Traveling in 1 click


Find a flight, hotel, rental car or flight + hotel are actions you can perform and just 1 click on any travel website. But do you really buy plane tickets for weekend getaway, or a hotel room on the first click?

The data indicate that in fact we are not satisfied with the first option we are offered.

20% of users buy at the first click. There are several reasons for this:

1. They know the web, this inspires confidence, and you do not need to surf more.

2. They don’t have time and have to buy at the first site that offers availability; the need to purchase is greater than the ability to compare.

3. Buy direct from airlines, hotels, car hire, are frequent flyers and prefer this option.

But that still leaves 80% of users who do not buy their journeying in this way. These users browse, search, compare, and starts again. The majority are Internet experts who know they can find better deals than the first ones that appear. Visit the website of the agency online, then visit the website of the airline, re-enter for an ad that promises ultra cheap prices .. at the end it has passed about 10 days. The purchasing decision also depends on the product: it is not the same to book a flight to London that a hotel room in London. The choice of flight is marked by the price and schedule, however for the choice of the hotel, it comes into play more subjective factors. It is important the location, the relation quality/price, and then room type, services included in the price as breakfast, etc..

Choosing a hotel for the getaway, vacation, weekend, or a meeting, is definitely more complicated. In this election personal tastes are very important. For a meeting likely the user will want to be assured of having internet connection, near the meeting area or office. Furthermore, for this type of travel, it is also important that the hotel has a gym, which has the possibility to check in early, and international press. For a weekend, however, the location of the hotel and appearance of the rooms are essential. For this type of detail, the choice of hotel can take about 10 days.

In these cases, it is advisable to make a price comparison of flights, hotels, flight + hotel, and car rental. Instead of navigating through the entire network by comparing ourselves, the comparator gives the job done. Comparator tracks by all the travel sites and offers all the fares available in just 1 minute.